Youth– year 10 and above

Come to our monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly youth meeting as we grow in friendship and faith together. See the newsletter for further information and the date of the next meeting.
We are thinking of running the Alpha Youth course in January 2025. Let us know if you’d like to know more. All are welcome!

Stay In Touch
Not been to church for a while?
SIT down with us at our monthly youth meetings.
No commitments, no judgements, just a fantastic opportunity to learn about your faith and discover where you are on your individual faith journey.
And you will have our prayer support along the way.
I offer you my seeking; show me the way.
I offer you my doubts; lead me to trust in you.
I offer you my hurts; heal me.
I offer you my fears; give me hope.
I offer you my loneliness; welcome me.
I offer you my mind; grant me understanding.
I offer you my heart; warm me with love.
I offer you my journey; lead me home
Where I can live in your justice,
peace and love. Amen.
Bourne and Deepings Instagram is coming soon!
Youth Opportunities
Coming soon!
Fancy going to Flame?
Flame is the largest Catholic youth gathering in the UK, and we can’t wait for its return in March 2025!
Flame 2023 welcomed over 8,000 young people to the OVO Arena, Wembley for a day of inspirational speakers, world-class Christian musicians and moments of prayer and Adoration.
Get your name down! Further information to follow.
Briars: Nottingham Diocese Youth retreat centre.
Download the app for up-to-date information on what is happening. Don’t miss out!
Info available at:
Why not Volunteer?
Why not volunteer to help on a HCPT pilgrimage to Lourdes?
HCPT is a registered charity offering pilgrimage holidays, to Lourdes in the South of France, for disabled and disadvantaged people from around the UK and further afield. The letters “HCPT” stand for the Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust.
For more information visit.
Papal message to the Youth
Pope Francis has asked the Youth to pray for the gift of Hope in the lead up to the Jubilee year in 2025, which starts on the 24 December 2024.
He has asked us all to be Pilgrims of Hope!
Join in!
Dear God, we thank you for giving us hope when we feel worried, when we are having a hard time, when we don’t know what’s ahead of us and when we are sad. Thank you that even the smallest seed of hope can grow into a big, tall tree. Please help us when we find it hard to be hopeful, so we can offer hope to others. Amen
Let’s pass that hope on to all our friends and family.
Catholic Youth Day 2024
What is the theme for Catholic Youth Day 26th November 2024?
The themes chosen by the Holy Father, Pope Francis for World Youth Day 2024 are:
“Rejoicing in Hope”
“Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary”
Join in preparing and celebrating our parish Mass for World Youth Day
– more details to follow.
Last Year’s Message
Pope Francis on Tuesday November 14th 2023 released his message for young people to celebrate the Global Celebration of Young People on the Feast of Christ the King. He says to young people,
“Dear young people, do not be afraid to share with others the hope and joy of the risen Christ! Nurture the spark that has been kindled in you, but at the same time share it. You will come to realise that it grows by being given away!”
“At the Jubilee of young people, in 2025, you will be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.
Pope Francis’ message to the young people on Diocesan World Youth Day 2024
World Diocesan Youth Day was celebrated in the dioceses of the world on Sunday 26 November 2023, the Solemnity of Christ the King.
In his Message for the 38th WYD, Pope Francis once again invited all young people to Rome in 2025 for the next Jubilee Year.
“At the end of the final Mass in the ‘Field of Grace’ at the WYD, I indicated the next stage of our intercontinental pilgrimage – Seoul, South Korea, in 2027.
But before then I made an appointment with you in Rome, in 2025, for the Youth Jubilee, where you too will be ‘Pilgrims of hope.’”
In just over a year, Rome will be home to thousands of young people who want to become pilgrims. At the centre of the Holy Year message there will be a very current theme:
As the Pope states: “You are the joyful Hope of a Church and of a humanity which is always on the move. I would like to take you by the hand and walk the path of hope with you. I would like to speak with you about our joys and hopes, but also about the sadness and anguish of our hearts and of our humanity that suffers.
In these two years of preparation for the Jubilee we will first meditate on the expression of St Paul, ‘Happy in hope’ (Romans: 12,12), and then delve deeper into the theme of the prophet Isaiah: “Those who hope in the Lord walk without becoming weary” (cf Is 40,31).”
You can read the full message of Pope Francis here:
Keep praying for the gift of Hope