Our Prayer Life
We all struggle to pray. But perhaps this suggestion, given many years ago to a 92 year old parishioner, who has practiced this every day, since it was mentioned to him by his aunt may help:
“God gives us 24 hours in a day and night. Can we not give him one hour back each day in prayer? He’s waiting for us to talk to Him, and He is waiting to help us“ Aunt Meg.
Have you ever wondered why people pray and what prayer is about?
Prayer is our private way of communicating with God, a conversation between, us, the worshipper and God, and as with any intimate conversation we can tell Him anything and everything; all that matters is that we come before him with a sincere heart.
How do you start the conversation?
Luckily God knows you and what is in your heart, by focusing quietly on Him you will be able to start to talk to him. Ask him to help you pray. Like any relationship the more we talk the more we can open ourselves and our hearts to God.
Why do we pray?
Often the initial desire to pray comes at a moment of crisis in our lives: the healing of a sick relative, the need to find work or a better home/work life.
By making the plea to God we are placing our trust and hope in him, and this is a good way to start a prayer life.
No prayer is ever wasted, God listens and answers them all in his own time and his own way. We can sometimes feel that God has not heard us or does not care, when our prayers are not answered straight away. But He always answers. It just may not be in a way that you expect. But He always has our best interests at heart.
As we grow in our relationship with God our desire to praise and worship Him increases along with our need to confess in humility, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and to offer thanks for his wonderful gifts.
Daily Prayer Life
The important thing is to keep the conversation going, and we must also learn to listen through silence.
A regular prayer life Will help us to draw closer to the heart and Will of God. Getting to know Him and what He wants to ask of us individually.
What to say?
Sometimes we cannot articulate what we are feeling and thinking or maybe we just run out of words, but that does not matter.
Prayer can be silent, taking time before a Crucifix or the Blessed Sacrament can be a powerful encounter.
There are many written prayers and devotions within the Church’s tradition, (see under Prayers) offering a wonderful way to express our love and praise of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Or, you can use your own words to talk to God.
Still not sure?
Give prayer a chance, it will change your life!
What is the most important and powerful prayer?
The Holy Mass. There is no better way than to pray than by attending Holy Mass. If there is something particular you are praying for, consider offering up your Sunday Mass for that intention or even consider attending an extra Mass during the week and offering it up for that particular intention.