Get Involved
“Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God”
Corinthians Ch1:v 10-31

Would you like to help at Mass?
There are lots of jobs to do to prepare the church for Mass.
- Greeting and handing out the hymn books and newsletter.
- Recording the number of people who attend Mass.
- Taking the collection.
- Helping with the offertory of the gifts.
- Refreshments on a Sunday morning.
- Tidying away the books, and the church after Mass.
- Music and/or choir
Once you have made your First Holy Communion.
- Serving on the altar.
- Helping with the readings and bidding prayers

Would you like to help with any of the other activities in the church?
- Helping with the children’s Liturgy.
- Taking part and help with the Youth Group.
- Join the Parish Council.
- Volunteering at social events.
Maintenance of the Church, which includes:
- Cleaning – there is a weekly rota
- Gardening
- Flower arranging
- Laundry of the altar cloths
- Are you a qualified plumber or electrician?
- Are you good at DIY/Carpentry?

Have you ever thought of finding more about the following:
- Running or taking part in courses such as Alpha, RCIA, First Holy Communion, Confirmation or helping with the bereaved.
- Becoming a Catechist
- Becoming a Lay Eucharistic Minister
- Becoming a Deacon
- Becoming a Sacristan
We also needed assistance with:
- General administration, such as filing, record keeping etc.
- Finance
- Writing the parish newsletter
- The new website and social media

Please print off and complete the enclosed form, returning it to the parish priest or a member of your parish team.