Becoming a Catholic

Do you feel drawn to the Catholic Faith and would like to know more about what life as a Catholic means?

Be reassured you are not alone, and although the journey may seem daunting, the Parish is here to help you explore and discover our Faith.

Come to Church!

You are very welcome to attend any of our services and will be able to worship along side people practising the Catholic faith. Only full members of the Catholic Church can partake in Holy Communion, but you are encouraged to come up for a blessing. Please indicate this to the priest by placing your right hand on your left shoulder.


Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and ask your fellow parishioners to keep you in their prayers as you make these big decisions.

Get involved in parish life

We have lots of activities throughout the year, social, fundraising and Spiritual. You are very welcome to attend, if you would like to get involved and help – even better.

When you feel ready

  • Speak to the parish priest about starting the formal process of becoming a Catholic.
  • Usually this is done through the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults, commonly known as the RCIA course, which is taught at Bourne and Deeping Churches.
  • This is where you will be able to ask and explore all the bigger questions. You can take a look at the content at RCIA, Complete Course (20 weeks) – Sycamore

We look forward to seeing you soon.