Holy Mass
The Mass consists of two parts:
The Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharistic Liturgy; but they are so closely knit together they form a single act of worship.
Indeed, the Mass “lays the table”, both of the Word of God and of the Body of Christ, at which the faithful receive instruction and refreshment.”
Taken from the People’s Missal 1969
The Mass is the assembly of the people of God, under the presidency of the Priest – Christ’s Minister, to Celebrate the memorial of the Lord, which is the sacrifice of Calvary re-presented on the altar.
Why is Mass so important?
As Catholics the Mass is central to our worship. We understand that we owe everything we have had, and will have to God and therefore the desire to offer something in return burns within us.
So, what can we do, and when,
“There is no sacrifice worthy of the name except the one sacrifice that Jesus offered on the cross.”
Hebrews 10:12 says that Christ “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins. That sacrifice cannot be repeated.”
Well, the beauty of the Mass is that it allows the participants to be present at the representation of Christ’s Sacrifice.
What does the Representation mean?
Christ was a unique Human being, the sacrifice of offering himself on the cross for our salvation is a unique act. It took place in the past and is recorded in history.
However, He is God, and God sits outside of time, He lives in the eternal present. The crucifixion on Calvary and the Resurrection are eternal acts that by the power of the Holy Spirit can be made present again.
During the Eucharist the sacrifice of the Crucifixion becomes present and available to us all. This is the sacrifice that takes away sin, heals and transforms. During Mass we receive the cleansing, healing and transformation that we individually need.
Every time the Eucharist is celebrated the Resurrection is made present too.
The mystery of the Mass allows us to be both at the foot of the cross, witnessing Our Lord’s sacrifice and at the same time be witnessing the empty tomb and Our Lord’s resurrection.
The victory of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection is Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, at every Mass we are participating in a new Pentecost and the opportunity to be refreshed by the Spirit.
Attending Mass connects us to the life-giving power of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, which in turn have the power to make all things new.
What can we offer then?
The mystery of the Mass allows us to offer God the Father the only sacrifice fully pleasing to Him: the perfect offering of his Son Jesus.
Jesus who generously and lovingly made us members of his body, allows this to be our offering too.
Focusing on the Mass
As we have seen, the Mass is a wonderful mystery, a gift to us all from God.
Have you ever wondered….
Why does the priest wear different colours?
What does that prayer mean?
Why do we have candles on the altar?
How is the altar prepared?
Who makes the hosts or the wine?
Join us on this page, as we journey through the traditions, prayers and practices that make up the Mass.