What’s On
What’s on in February?
(For up-to-date information of dates and timings please check the calendar below)
Fish and Chip Supper Quiz will be taking place on Friday 7th of February in our Bourne church at 7pm. Tickets £10pp please see Gill or Sue
Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes Tuesday February 11th
In the Catholic Church this is World Day for the Sick and a Day of Special Prayer for the Sick. There will, therefore, be a Service of the Sacrament of the Sick for those in our parish who would benefit from it. This will take place at our church in Bourne on Tuesday February 11th at 3.30pm. Because the Sacrament of the Sick is administered in this service one does need to be a Catholic to receive it. Volunteers are needed to give lifts to the elderly, sick and housebound. Please arrive by the latest at 3.20pm to avoid school traffic. We could have tea/coffee etc. afterwards if people want it and if there are volunteers to organise it.
Jubilee of Hope events this month include the
- Feb 2ndJubilee of religious
- Feb 9thJubilee of the sick and healthcare workers
100 club Draw . This month’s draw will take place on the 8th of January after the 6pm Mass at Bourne.
Be in it to win it!
The First reconciliation and First Holy Communion course continues at 6pm on Thursday evenings in Bourne
Word on Fire UK Bible Conference is taking place a t the Excel centre East London from Friday the 21st of Jan – Sat 22nd of Feb. Bishop Robert Barron will be hosting this event. For further information and to register visit, www.wordonfire.org/the-bible-event.
And don’t forget our monthly Film night
Last Monday of the month in Bourne Church. Please gather at 6.45pm for 7pm start. Details of film in newsletter nearer the time.
Diary of parish activity
Below is a list of the activities we have planned. Please come along and support your parish and the local community. Please also have a look and see if you can assist in any way.

Working with the local Community
Churches Together
“Our vision is to create the space in which fruitful collaboration and mutual understanding can grow, so that we as churches work more closely together in our great task of sharing in God’s mission and making the gospel of Christ known in our nation.”
Our parish is a member of both Deepings and Bourne Churches Together.
Join us throughout the year in Bourne:
January – the Unity Service
Lent – for talks and discussion groups
Good Friday for our walk of witness
May – Pentecost Praise
July – we hand all year 6 children our moving on booklets
November – we lay a wreath at the remembrance service
December – we take part in the “Living Crib” at the Bourne Light Switch on
Come and join us at Deeping:
May – Pentecost